Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Thomas Zoo

Two of our cats have gone missing.

We haven't seen Mozzarella since last night. We have a feeling Stinky and Cheese told him he had an appointment to be neutered and his life as he knows it was about to be over. Stinky denies this {he doesn't care about much since his fateful day} but Cheese looks guilty.

Gracie has not been seen either. I have a feeling this is because we had to put away the food last night in preparation for Mozzie's "surgery". You do not mess with Gracie's food.

The dogs are clueless.

The food is back out, I'm sure Gracie will reappear once she feels satisfied her protest was noticed. Mozzie will wander back in as if nothing has happened and then get tossed in the garage. He has another appointment tomorrow.

Yes...the Thomas Zoo is returning to "normal"!

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